During the two days you will learn how to approach a victim, how to
systematically assess a victim, recognize abnormalities in your physical examination and what you can do while you wait for help. We will discus the content of your medical kit and general wilderness related illnesses and the lifesaving actions for this.
– acting in emergency situations;
– first approach of the patient;
– workshops patient assessment;
– bone fractures, wound treatment and workshop splints / immobilization.
– evacuation and workshop moving a victim;
– hypo- and hyperthermia;
– drowning and lightning;
– medical emergencies;
– workshop medical kit.
NOTE: We will discuss CPR in the Wilderness but we will not practice CPR during this course.
However it is possible to implement this on Friday or Saturday night. Please let us know if you are interested in this on your booking form. We will be able to set it up if there is sufficient interest.