Outdoor Medicine offers medical support and advice to individuals or groups travelling in the context of an expedition, sporting challenge, or voluntary travel to a destination with limited access to medical services.
We help with medical preparation, we impart pre-travel advice, and we can provide remote medical assistance. In addition, we can provide an expedition medic that will accompany you on the expedition.
Preparation – Screening and advice
Prevention is better than cure; hence there will be a screening of the expedition members commencing the journey. We screen the participants based on a questionnaire, keeping the activities, conditions and location of the expedition in mind. The LCR-certified travel physicians within our ranks contribute up-to-date information about the location and its local guidelines.
The screening leads to personal advice regarding the expedition, and the necessary medical kit and essential medication will be prescribed. In consultation, we can supply a solid waterproof and shockproof medicine case filled with (essential) medication and bandages, including a medication manual. The contents of this medical kit depend on the group size, the destination and the medical know-how (Outdoor Medicine course page) of the group and/or the tour leader.
Remote guidance or expedition doctor on-site
We can provide medical advice remotely via (satellite) telephone or app service 24/7. The moment something occurs at the location, we can give remote advice keeping the pre-screening and on-site medications in mind. Together, we will come to a medical action that might require an evacuation.
We can also provide medical support during the expedition by sending a doctor along: our doctors are specialised in limited resource settings. On location, our doctors are entirely self-reliant and have access to a complete medical kit with an extensive range of medication and emergency materials. Our doctors have experience in the Arctic, the Himalayas, desert areas and at sea.
Altitude sickness
Height-related problems are a unique point of attention due to the collaboration with Maatschap Hoogte Geneeskunde Nederland. We advise mountaineers and tour guides who go to (very) high altitudes.
Are you interested in our service of questions? We like to think along!
Contact us about the possibilities.
Costs are associated with this service.