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African Wilderness Medicine '18
2018-06-09 to 2018-06-16

Following is the medical program in Dutch, please contact us for an explanation/translation if you’re a non-Dutch speaker.


Medisch programma

Het medisch programma vindt plaats tijdens de rondreis rond Maun. De workshops zullen plaatsvinden gedurende de ochtend uren en eind van de middag. De lezingen worden in de buitenlucht gegeven als het donker is vanaf een uur of 7.


  1. Introduction | Public Health in Africa
  2. Patient Assessment in Africa
  3. Hyperthermia and dehydration
  4. Envenomations and animal bites in Africa
  5. Infectious killers in the tropics
  6. Outbreak management: Ebola
  7. Traveler’s diarrhea, giardiasis & other waterborne wilderness infections
  8. Illnesses in the returned traveller from Africa
  9. Trauma and wound care


  1. Patient assessment
  2. Navigation/GPS use in the wilderness
  3. Sanitation: Backcountry water disinfection
  4. Scenario training
  5. Splinting and patient transport
  6. Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) practical
  7. Medical kit walkthrough